Este evento representa el fin de un año exitoso para la campaña itinerante, que visitó las provincias de Sevilla, Huelva, Cádiz, Málaga y Granada, y logró despertar conciencia sobre el concepto de los sumideros de carbono y su papel fundamental en la lucha contra el cambio climático.
Los estudiantes con los que contamos durante esta semana recibieron un tour guiado por los monitores del acuario, un taller sobre la fauna marina, y finalmente se les explicó el concepto de «carbono azul» y la importancia de las praderas marinas, marismas de marea y manglares.

This last stop marks the end of a very successful year for the itinerant campaign, which travelled through the provinces of Seville, Huelva, Cádiz, Málaga and Granada and managed to raise awareness on the importance of carbon sinks and their essential role within the fight against climate change.
The students that we met this week had the chance to participate in a guided tour of the different tanks and in a taller carried out by a team of educators working at the Aquarium.
Afterwards, the classes approached our exhibit and our interns managing the stall provided them with informative material, posters and blue carbon-themed pins so that they could remember the event in a playful manner.