The project

The LIFE program is the only financial instrument of the European Union dedicated exclusively to the environment.

Its overall objective for the period 2004-2020 is to contribute towards sustainable development and the achievement of the objectives and goals of the European Strategy 2020 and of the relevant strategies and plans of the Union regarding the environment and climate.

The Environment and Climate Action subprogram (LIFE) for the period 2014-2020 is based on providing solutions and best practices to achieve environmental and climate objectives in relation to changes in development and policy, and by promoting innovative technologies in the field of the environment and climate change.

Putting emissions of greenhouse gases by 20% (or 30%) below the levels of 1990, generating 20% of our energy need from renewable sources, and increasing energy efficiency by 20%”.

This constitutes the only goal in relation to the climate of the five ambitious goals that were established by the EU for 2020.

Blue Natura Andalucía belongs to the Climate Action subprogram within the LIFE program, and consists of three priority areas: climate-change mitigation, adaptation to climate change, and governance and climate information. The first of these areas pertains to this project.

Main Actions

  • 1


    Climate Change Mitigation

  • 2


    Adaptation to climate change

  • 3


    Governance and climate information