On the 11th and 12th July, a summer course on “Climate Change in Andalusia” took place in Carmona, directed by Doctor Álvaro Sanchez Bravo.
The course, dedicated especially to university students and professionals in the field of Law, Environmental Sciences, Biology, but also to politicians involved in the environmental sector, hosted several conferences in the course of the two days.
Each conference focused on a different aspect of climate change, particularly in relation to Andalusia, its natural landscapes and the future challenges this land is going to face.
Among the speakers, we counted:
-Ilmo. Sr. Don José Luis Hernández Garijo and Excmo. Sr. Don José Fiscal López , members of the Environment and Territorial Ordinance Office in Andalusia
-Dña. Maria José Cortil Flores, President of the Sierra de Aracena and Picos de Aroche Natural Park’s Board
-Prof. Pos-Dr. Clovis Gorczevski, from the University of Santa Cruz do Sul, Brazil
-Prof. Dr. Don Álvaro Sánchez Bravo, President of the Andalusian Association of Law, Environment and Sustainable Development
-Don José Maria Montero Sandoval, Director of “Tierra y Mar” and “Espacio Protegido” – RTVA
-Dña Esperanza García Ocaña, Director of “Verde, Verde” – RTVA
-Don Juan Romero Romero, spokesperson for Ecologistas en Acción.
The main objective of the course was to identify the assets provided by the new Climate Change Law of Andalusia and the mitigation/adaptation strategies implemented in the region, acknowledging the steps ahead that have been made so far.