LIFE Platform meeting on Ecosystem services: “Costing the Earth? Translating the ecosystem services concept into practical decision-making”
From 10th to 12th May 2017 a LIFE Platform meeting took place at the Sokos Hotel Viru in Tallin (Estonia) in order to talk about ecosystem services and decision-making processes.
The first twelve sessions, moderated by Heidrun Fammler, spaced from the importance of ecosystem services (ES) and their role and challenges in Estonia, to the progress made within the LIFE project.
Much importance was also given to current policies and what happens at a decision-making level, while on the second day of the meeting a discussion between three working groups was organized.
These were moderated by a particular facilitator and accompanied by a session rapporteur, and were divided into three categories:
-“Defining/Mapping ES”
-“Valuing ES”
-“Applying ES in decision-making”.
Afterwards, different LIFE projects and other initiatives offered a series of 10-minute presentations to the groups and covered a wide range of themes, such as assessment of soil-related ES; valuing social and cultural ES; climate change mitigation and case studies from Finland and Czech Republic.
At the end of the second day, the groups were provided with a feedback by the rapporteurs and Heidrun Fammler summed up the conclusions made on the LIFE program, particularly in relation to how ES can be integrated into sector policies.